How Tantra Kicked My Ass & Helped Me Connect More with My Cock

I recently attended a tantra retreat hosted by Jason and Ingo of Tantra4GayMen. Not surprisingly, I was blown away! I knew that I was stepping into something profound, but I had no idea that I'd encounter such deeply needed healing for painful emotions that I've carried for so long.

A surprising turn of events--I was able to cum from a blowjob--something that has been difficult for me for a long time!

Now, I'm not suggesting that the aim of tantra is ejaculatory accomplishment. (I can just imagine my teachers gasping, haha!) Instead, what I am saying is that I realized at a physical level how much anger, sadness, grief, and shame that I've carried in my body as well as how those painful, disavowed states of being have been buried, affecting my life in many ways. Such is true for so many of us gay, queer, bi, and trans men--hell, for everyone alive.

Watch the video below to hear more about my experience!


Théâtre De Confession


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